– Disability Services –
WPHS partners with Horizon Public Health to complete MnCHOICES Assessments for people of all ages.
Horizon Public Health is the lead agency in our 5 county region and each county has at least one assessor.
To Qualify for Medicaid Waivered Services a person must be certified disabled by the Social Security Administration or the State Medical Review Team (SMRT).
The MnCHOICES is required to qualify for Rule 185/Developmental Disabilities Case Management as well. Rule 185 Case Management for persons with Developmental Disabilities does not require they be eligible for Medicaid/Medical Assistance.
Altogether, the MnCHOICES Assessment screens people for being potentially eligible for Personal Care Assistance (PCA), Elderly Waiver (EW), Alternative Care Waiver (AC), Community Access for Disabled Individuals Waiver (CADI), Community Alternative Care Waiver (CAC), Brain Injury Waiver (BI), Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD) in addition to Rule 185 Case Management.
To request a MnCHOICES Assessment you can call
Horizon Public Health at 320-763-6018.
MnCHOICES Brochure (see attached)

Developmental Disabilities (DD) Services
Rule 185 Developmental Disabilities Case Management is a mandated service for people with a documented developmental disability or qualifying related condition. Our Case Managers/Service Coordinators, have a wealth
of knowledge in working with people to assist them in achieving their potential and dreams. The primary role of the case manager is to support and connect people with the services they need, to monitor those services and advocate on behalf of the people they serve. Non-waiver programs people may be eligible to access include:
Family Support Grant (FSG) – for children living in their family home.
(No MA required) -
Semi Independent Living Service (SILS)- for adults with
developmental disabilities living in the community. (No MA Required) -
Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention
(EIDBI) for children diagnosed on the autism spectrum. (MA required) -
Personal Care Attendant (PCA) is a service that assists with personal
cares. (MA and some medical plans)
For those requiring a higher level of support and needing a 24 plan of care there is the DD Waiver program.
The DD Waives – waives some requirements for Medical Assistance/Medicaid to pay for services not typically covered. Services under this waiver include but are not limited to, Community Residential Services (CRS), Supported Employment (SE), Positive Support Services (PS), Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS), Individualized Home Support (IHS, Respite and more.
WPHS is committed to being person centered in all of its practices. All of our staff are trained in Person Centered Thinking. We are committed to assisting people in living to their potential and achieving their dreams. We encourage you to ask us about person centered practices. We would love to share what it means to us and potentially to you.